A few days ago, several news portals reported about a reed fire close to Fonyód, Hungary. Firefighters put out the flames with hard work, but still, about 120 hectares of land were burned down.
Even in this case, the Sentinel-2 satellites can help many stakeholders to map the damage, as an area of this size can be clearly seen on satellite images. Let’s see how the fields looked like from space!
Interactive map
The interactive map below shows the RGB composite image created from the Sentinel-2 raw satellite images taken on March 3, 2021, which clearly shows the dark area to the south of Fonyód.
The same as high resolution image:
In the fake color satellite image below, the areas affected by the fire appear brownish-red.
Interactive comparison
In the image below the images taken before the fire (February 26, 2021) and after the fire (March 3, 2021) can be compared by moving the slider sideways.
https://telex.hu/belfold/2021/02/27/eg-a-nadas-fonyodnal (Telex.hu)